How to earn your stripes

We believe in an open experience for all players, no matter if they have donated or not. As such, VIP is something that you can both earn and purchase. Below, you can read some information on how you attain this prestigious rank within the community. If you wish to EARN VIP instead of purchasing it, you need to read up on all the tabs other than the one that is specific to purchasing as those are the ones that will be valid for you.

Note that if you earn it, you only get the server, discord and forum rank of VIP plus whatever is assosciated with the rank itself. As such, you do not get any custom titles or pointshop points. To unlock the additional benefits you must purchase it. For a full list of benefits and points, view the Webshop under “By Purchasing It”

While being rewarded, you may also be given the choice to pick webshop credits instead.

By creating a good atmosphere for others by playing fairly and being polite, you also encourage others to do the same. This is the kind of behavior that we need more of and will reward.

Just by playing on our servers and posting on the forum, you help encourage others to do the same; which in itself causes the community to become more popular. More people means more people to share in this awesome experience; and will allow us to help even more people. This will also be justly rewarded.

Simply by reporting bugs, making requests, streaming on our servers and sharing your experiences; you are in fact helping the community grow. This is also something we want to reward.

Want all the goodies without putting in the work? Or do you simply wish to contribute to the server bill? This is also something that we accept.
Gerbil Mountain is a community where all shop earnings and forum donations are non-profit. As such, all the money you spend here will be used for a good cause. Be it to pay the server bill, fund giveaways/contests, give you new features or donate to help organizations.

Not everyone has time to kill and to put into the community; in which case, we do sell VIP packages in our Webshop. These packages also include a lot of other stuff like a HUGE amount of pointshop points that are shared between our servers that have pointshops. This means that you can essentially fund the pointshop purchases for everyone and their grandmother for a foreseeable future.



Interested in getting a motherlode of pointshop points for a cheap price? Or perhaps to get your own private taunt for our servers?

Visit the Webshop and look at our offers!
Just remember: Gerbil Mountain is a community where all shop earnings and forum donations are non-profit. As such, all the money you spend here will be used for a good cause. Be it to pay the server bill, fund giveaways/contests, give you new features or donate to help organizations.